Hi, I’m Tara

Your Emotion & Empowerment Coach

My intention and mission here is to inspire people to find themselves, release the conditioning that has them believing they aren't enough, and step into their power and potential though emotional empowerment work.

For 17+ years of my life I strugged with chronic anxiety, depression and an autoimmune disorder. In 2020 I left my full time job in commercial property management to pursue health coaching & mentoring full time. Little did I know I was about to embark on the most transformational period of my life. Through holistic health, mindfulness and releasing emotions, I was able to find my confidence, unconditional happiness and self-love. Not only that, but I was also able to start manifesting a dream life, one I once thought would be impossible for someone as fearful as me.

So here I am, IN LOVE with my life every day, inspiring those around me to find the same love and freedom within themselves by loving, embracing, releasing, and influencing their emotions. It's beyond beautiful.

It's entirely possible to live a life of your wildest dreams, and it starts with a choice. Choose you.

Follow me on Instagram @itstaraswann for free content, education and inspiration!

Love yourself first,

Tara x

"Having completed the 3 month Well Being course just over a week ago, I have now found myself in a far better state than I was in not so long ago. The outcome of the course I feel has had great benefit to myself, as my outlook on life in general has picked up ten fold. I am now keen, enthusiastic & wanting to participate in activities I never thought I would do again. My support leader Tara has been without doubt my savour. I cannot thank her enough. Her knowledge & kindness has been paramount. I totally would recommend Tara to anyone who has any doubts about themselves & or is feeling flat. I have learnt a lot throughout the months & I'm looking forward to my future."